PSL Soft Matter days July 5th July 9th 2021

The first Edition of the PSL Soft and Living Matter days will be held on July 5th to 9th in amphithéatre of Institut Pierre Gilles de Gennes (IPGG, 6 rue Calvin) and will give the opportunity to the PSL community tolearn and discuss about research activities in the field of Soft Matter. The event will be free of charge for PSL participants. 90 people should be allowed on site (Amphi + two rooms in IPGG with retransmitted talks), a visio conference will be organized for the others.



WORKSHOP PROGRAM HERE (updated version)



 The PSL Soft and Living Matter days will consist in two events :

- A Summer School on Soft Matter on July 5th to July 7th with 1h30 advanced courses on Soft Matter Physics, Chemistry and biophysics. Short student talks sessions will be organized 

- A workshop on Soft Matter science on July 8th-9th for which anyone can submit a short talk contribution and keynote lectures 


  PSL Summer School  on Soft and Living matter  (July 5th-7th)

9 inter-disciplinary courses (1h30 each) on soft matter + poster sessions (depending on sanitary conditions)


R. Nicolay (ESPCI) Dynamic Chemical Networks : Design and Synthesis 

C. Tribet (ENS), Photoswitches in Soft Assemblies & Polymers: pertubation tools , dynamic actuators

J. Rieger (Sorbonne Univeristy) Polymerization Induced Self-assembly and reversible-Deactivation
Radical Polymerization  for nanomaterials design


S. Aimé (ESPCI) Probing motion with light scattering

F. Lechenault (ENS) Mechanical metamaterials 

J. Brujic (New York University) Programmable Self-assembly of Emulsion Droplets into Soft Materials


E. Kanso (Univ. South California), The biophysics of cilia and flagella

S. Descroix (Institut Curie), Organ on chip for biology and biophysics

P. Sens (Institut Curie) Non-equilibrium modelling of cellular organelles


PSL Workshop on Soft and Living matter  (July 8th-9th) 

Keynote lectures by

T. Budtova (Mines Paris Tech) , Bio-aerogels: a new generation of aerogels. 
Case of thermal insulation and super-insulation
L. Bocquet (ENS) Nanofluidics and the development of iontronics   
T. Lopez-Leon (ESPCI), Self-organization under confinement: from liquid crystals to active materials
J. Plastino (Institut Curie), Actin-based forces during C. elegans development
MH Li (ENSCP), Biomimetic membranes by amphiphilic polymers
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